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Wanted to share with u, a little news that I’m thrilled about.

Previously, I could only manage one meal of veggies per day, where I cut the onions and veggies into smaller pieces and steamed. 

After I decided to steam onions 🧅 as a whole.  And with bigger chunks of veggie.  I enjoy the onions and veggies much better.  I could easily have 3 meals of veggies per day. And look forward to eating them.  Is no longer a struggle to do so. 

I’m surprised with that change.  Is like a mini milestone for me.  😊😊😊. Imagine some years back, I vomited trying to consume the amount of veggie😅

Thanks for the YouTube video u have did, i enjoy watching u and the calm and assuring energies u have imparted.  Btw:  u look young and vibrant!!  A good living testament of the development diet.

Thanks and much love to u,

~ Mei Ling, Singapore 

Here is What Clients are Saying!


In the past few years and in 2018 when I met you, I had an under-active thyroid and had been on synthroid, a synthetic hormone, for 10+ years. I never seemed to feel better and knew in my heart that medication was not the right answer, I just didn’t know where to turn.

That’s when the Lord led me to you in 2018. Do you remember that phone call I had with you? I had been searching for answers for my Dad's Parkinson and somehow the conversation pointed to me.

Everything you said at the time resonated with me and I didn’t know anyone else that spoke like you did. I didn’t fully understand it either. I was very sceptical but then I thought, what do I have to lose? I was fed up with my life, my health, and hungry for a better way so I thought I may as well give it a try, it couldn't hurt.

I went off my medication soon after beginning the program, although you said to wait at least a few months and then try to go off it slowly. 

You had said that some people need to stay on their medication for a while, depending upon how out of balance the body is. In my case, I thought perhaps my thyroid may have even atrophied and stopped working.

​I had no idea your guidance would lead me through the journey I have been on to today, changing my life inside and out as a person. I was searching for answers and healing and the Lord knew just who to send me to - you!

I just took a blood test for my thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (T4) levels. They both came back normal. I couldn't believe it!  TSH was 4.12 mIU/L and T4 was 1.2 mg/dl.

~ Teresa G, USA  


"When I began working with Josephine 3 years ago, I was very disabled from exposures to heavy metals, chemicals and microwaves.

Now, the horrible migraine headaches are gone, the miserable brain fog is gone, my embarrassing bowel issues are gone, and my chemical sensitivities are beginning to decrease.

And like a bonus, the black circles around my eyes are fading and my sweet tooth, too, is gone! They've left, just like Josephine said, one layer at time.

To think that I might get over the chemical sensitivities is so wonderful I'm almost afraid to be hopeful.

The nutritional balancing program is a lot of work, and takes a lot of time, but my body is healing and life is just so much more fun!

Josephine has been my miracle worker."

~Janet Johnson, MA, USA


"I felt so good after our session yesterday b/c you have gone through a lot of the same stuff I've gone through and you really understand the way no one else does.  And it's very hard to find someone who really understands.

And all the information you provide is great.  

Thanks so much Josephine."

June D. ON, Canada


"Hello Josephine,

Here is an update.. 

First, I must let you and Dr Wilson know that over the past 40 days I really went off the program and I smoked marijuana and cigarettes and ate some junk foods - however, I did keep up eating the vegetables mostly and continued the daily saunas. 

It's been 15 days now and I've quit all that - amazingly with almost no withdrawal symptoms like I've had in the past ( due to the program I'm sure ) and I truly have committed to staying on the program. 

Honestly, "messing up" was very helpful to me and I learned much about myself. 

Prior to "messing up" I was doing fantastic !

...hard to explain; I really slowed down and every thought changed and I started to have new thoughts that I never had before - such wonderful and beautiful thoughts - they have changed everything around me .. I felt as though God was putting thoughts into my head then I realized that actually these were my own thoughts and that I don't ever recall having my own thoughts until now at 38 years of age .. the program is definitely having a huge effect on my life.  Everyone around me has commented "you seem so different ". 

I feel peaceful most of the time - I truly am going through huge changes that I never thought possible - it's amazing and the most awesome thing I could ever experience - again, thank you so much  Josephine-

Progress :


  • I don't get that horrible fatigue feeling anymore.  

  • I rest a lot and I'm in bed by 8:30 PM

  • My self awareness is very high .. the meditation is absolutely working wonderfully 

  • Most symptom are gone !!! Or have drastically improved.  

  • Anger is 99% less !!!

  • The list goes on-and-on .. thousands of small changes .. life changing ! "

~ Joseph G, B.C. Canada


"Hello Josephine! I wanted to give you some (good!) news. One year after I started, I am still following my NB protocol. And I continue to regain my health. This program gave me a LIFE again.

I am now able to live alone in an apartment by myself. I still have various health issues and don't work or do too many things apart from daily tasks, but at least I am way more autonomous again, not bedridden. I am also much more connected with who I am deeply. I healed and still continue to heal tons of wounds of any kind. With much gratitude"

~Iana R, Canada


"Dear Josephine,

Thanksgiving is around the corner and I would like to give my warmest thanks to you. I am very grateful for my family's as well as my health. Looking back , I remember going to the doctor was a regular thing, and consuming a lot of medications.

My husband used to get allergic attacks at least every month with lots of antibiotics and other meds. Today, I am so happy to see our family to be meds free, not only that but when we get sick, we listen to our bodies, and rest, and have it recover in a healthy natural way, it became a habit, a healthy and wonderful habit. And I love it.

Thank you Josephine , what you are doing in this world is absolutely remarkable. "

~ G. A.  From Kuwait 


"When I was 19, I was diagnosed with Grave’s Disease.  The doctors gave me radioactive iodine to destroy the thyroid gland (RAI).  This left me with a hypothyroid condition.  I have had to take thyroid hormones ever since (for 20 years). I have tried many therapies and doctors to see if I can heal my thyroid gland, and nothing worked until now.

I began following a nutritional balancing program 2 years and 3 months ago.  I want to pass on some surprising news.  I was recently on the phone with our hospital to get a post-surgical x-ray report sent to my doctor.  I noticed they also had my recent thyroid lab test, but had not called me about it yet.

I asked if my physician had reviewed the thyroid lab test.  She had, but had just not had time to call me to let me know.

My hypothyroidism is improving!  She decreased the Armour thyroid medication from 150 mg to 105mg.  That is awesome news!

Incidentally, on my most recent hair mineral test, the calcium shell came down and I am "coming alive".  Thank you so much."  



"Take a cowshare owner who believed he was doing everything right:

  • Living off the land.

  • Working with animals he loved.

  • Feeding them nothing but the best of the best to produce the healthiest product possible.

  • Helping hundreds gain a food source that nourished and healed them.

​Sounds like a dream right? I should be healthy right?  Wrong!  And Josephine was the catalyst to showing me just how wrong I really was.

Being a skeptic of most things and having a science background, believe me, she had her work cut out showing me just that. While some may take from reading the above that Josephine dragged me kicking and screaming back to the road to health; nothing could be further from the truth. Really, I have to say her approach is to plant a few seeds and see if you are ready to nurture them.

So if you are truly ready, and willing to regain your health, happiness, and life, this is where to start.  She is so much more than a nutritionist with some very good science and diagnostics behind her. "How to regain your health and how to really live in awareness again." should be her slogan. "

~ Kurtis S.  from British Columbia, Canada - a retired farmer and loving it!!


" I'm 76 years of age, a recovering alcoholic, for over 30 years.  I was on thyroid medication when I first consulted with Josephine and was very physically active, specially during the winter, wherein I would cross-country ski on a daily basis, for 2 hours or more. 

When I embarked on the Nutritional Balancing Program, all that I really expected was to lose some weight.  I had no idea how the nutritional balancing program and consulting with Josephine would be a complete life-changing experience. Her gift is in not only coming up with the right answers, but staying focus and never getting off track.  She helps you to look beyond the symptoms of illness to the true root causes allowing you, in some cases, to identify and break life-long patterns. 

Case in point, when I started on the program, I had a single shell pattern and later my calcium went up to a triple calcium shell.  This pattern, I believe, has helped me cope with life however on a fourth retest, my calcium shell was no longer an issue - my calcium level had gone down drastically. 

Suffice to say, my patterns of coping with life has changed since on this program.  I rest much more, go to bed early and follow all the recommendations given by Josephine.  I am more at peace with myself and appreciate life even more now than ever before.   I just wished I knew of it when I was much younger~

I am so very grateful for Josephine. I could not have done it without her support and her passion for this program.  Her discipline has rubbed off on me, as she showed me that this program, is no different than a 12-Steps program of A.A.- just got to keep doing it one day at a time!"

~ Ann R Quebec CANADA


"I pursued Nutritional Balancing for my hyperthyroidism which I was able to overcome in a few months. Yay!!! I continued with the program despite that because I still had adrenal fatigue and other problems. Well, recently, I finally decided to totally cut out sugar from my diet, I'm such an addict, I just couldn't give it up. And lo and behold, now I'm pregnant!

I had been trying to conceive 15 years earlier and when nothing happened, I just thought, I'll never conceive now, I'm getting old. So we never used birth control. Well, beware, nutritional balancing can reverse infertility, so if you're not planning to have any more kids, take the proper precautions. It was never in my plans to have a baby at 49 years old."

- S.K., California


" I came to Josephine feeling out of energy, I had gained some weight due to poor diet, I had sugar cravings, and my moods were fluctuating. I was most definitely feeling under the radar.

She proceeded to put me on the Nutritional Balancing Science Program that included; a change in diet, wherein I needed to eat 3 times of day the food prescribe for me, and along with the diet, I was to include, a daily dose of Minerals in the form of supplements.

I am happy to say that thanks to Josephine's coaching with the Natural Balancing Science Program, I am free of mood swings, my weight has returned to normal, my sugar cravings have all but disappeared and my energy levels is a work in progress. Nutritional Balancing Science has become for me a way of life for life.

Thanks Josephine for pointing out to me that there was a way out! "

~ Gianna R.  Vancouver, BC


(The following is from an email we received.  At the time she was 28 years old, married, with 4-young children and had been on the program for about 4-months.)

"Hi Josephine,

Hope you are doing well. Thank you for your email. It's true what you said, if I think about it really well, most of the people consume horrible foods daily, nowadays... I know it matters a lot what you eat and it's important to eat well in order to try
to stay healthy, but I firmly believe that's just our part, the other part is in G'd's hands. Because we all know people who eat bad but if G'd wants them to be well, they'll defy logic and be well.

My grandmother also passed away from Alzheimer’s, in her seventies, and so did my husband's grandmother. Lots of unwanted things in our genes...) It's very unfortunate.

I have been slashing my thyroid meds in half for a while, ThankG'd I feel ok. Little tired, but that's because I still don't manage to get that much more sleep, unfortunately. It's always something else, my son has a cold and coughs all night, my daughter is teething and cries, then she has a cold.... etc... (It goes on and on:) but I feel fine, I am happy about that. 

I wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. May you have a success in all your endeavors and have lots of happiness this year! You are a G'd fearing person and I am very happy that I have found you and that you were sent to help me in my change of lifestyle/path. It would have been hard for me to communicate with someone who doesn't believe at all, because I attribute everything to Him. "

~ Elizabeth F. From Montreal, Quebec


"I am writing this quick note to you or anyone considering the program - or need a real life example.  I was a very active child with a strong sports career, which led to a football scholarship at a University and then being drafted in the CFL as a defensive linemen. I felt that I was invincible and could beat any injury, any other player and then when I graduated I could take this spirit into my business career. 

That is exactly what happened just as I did in sports/school I broke all the records in my sales/marketing career as I worked with clients around the world and always exceeded my targets as well as my companies goals.  I have the awards to prove it - I always delivered, no matter what the obstacles were or how I felt physically or mentally.

With time in my 20's, 30's, 40's and now in my 50's it appeared I was on a roller coaster or burned out and occasionally I would crash for a day or two, or take a vacation - then come back to the 400 emails and start all over again. 

With kids, mortgage, hockey, home renovations, eating on the run I felt that all this roller coaster feelings will slow down once the kids got older.  I used massages, acupuncture, chiropractic and other means to help me get back on my feet again - or I would crash for two days some weekend and blame it on the cold I got.

A few years later, things changed as I had a car crash that wasn't so easy to overcome.  I returned to work far too early, as the emails built up I had no choice to get back to work as I was working for a Hockey Club and we were in the Stanley Cup Playoffs!!!

Over the next several years, I needed constant maintenance (acupuncture, massage, physio and chiro) just to be able to work a whole week at 40 hours when I used to work 60+ depending on the time of year. 

I began to work less and started to eat better ran two half marathons then my ultimate goal was the full marathon which I did.  It appeared I had beaten the car accident, and got my better health feelings back - just one problem - I was in the later stages on adrenal burnout for years and I'm lucky that I didn't have a heart attack during the 42.2KM run that took me a full 5 hours and 9 minutes to complete.

I became frustrated with trying to get better - there was not one program that was holistic or made me feel better for longer than a couple of months. I stumbled upon Paul Eck and Josephine at and things have dramatically changed in my life over the past 6 months. 

Through the guidance of Josephine (we chat by email and by phone) - I'm eating better, relaxing more, have much more energy, my skin looks amazing, I've lost 25 pounds without trying - and best of all I'm off all prescriptions, medications and unnecessary chemicals.

First of all this is NOT an easy program and requires some discipline.  I have fallen off the regimen a couple of times as I have taken my time with it - IT WORKS if you are in the mind set that you have tried everything else read all the books and now NEED to change your life before something ELSE DOES. 

~Mark C  from Canada

Mark recently wrote to let us know that,

Now I have not been totally 100% committed over the past year but I was going over the changes in my health. Need to eat better and do more enemas and saunas but I want you to know how this program is changing me.

Here is my List:

  • Lost 20 lbs.

  • No longer take 20 mg of Cipralex daily. 

  • No longer take 2000 mg of Tylenol daily. 

  • No longer take Symbicort and Nasonex for ear nose throat issues. 

  • No longer take Naproxen and Celebrex for chronic headaches and joint pain. 

  • No more ear nose throat stuffiness.

  • Removed skin creams, shaving gels, shampoos, antiperspirants, toothpaste. Replaced with coconut oil face, natural deodorant, oil pulling as well as natural toothpaste, baking soda shampoo. My hair is getting darker not as grey. 

  • Never ever get dry skin used to have bouts of psoriasis. 

  • Never do I get bad foot stinky feet even after exercise, as I used to. 

  • Reduced my work outs; and

  • Relax more.

Thank you Josephine - big changes and getting better.

~Mark C  from Canada


"I was so grateful to have found Josephine and receive a free 15 minute consultation with her, her expertise and kind words of encouragement were such a comfort. Her experienced interpretation of my HTMA re-test was easy to comprehend, I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a knowledgable [sic] Nutritional Balancing Practitioner.

Thanks again Josephine... "

~Laura Pfeffer


"Before I started this healing program I had been diagnosed with pyroluria. I had thought at the time pyroluria was the underlying cause of the various symptoms I had been experiencing. Months passed and though I felt better for a while my symptoms returned and would vary on / off again.

I felt older than 25 and often fatigued. It was frustrating feeling ok one day and sickly the next. Hair fall I attributed to hypothyroidism made me depressed until through desperation and researching eventually found Natural Health Protocol and Josephine.

I finally found without a doubt in my heart, the underlying cause of all my symptoms and everything now makes sense. It has been a relief and an incredible blessing to find this protocol. It is by far the most wholistic I have experienced with the deepest healing potential.

It is finally clear to me the stress I put on my body with lifestyle and food choices that just didn't provide the nutrients I needed to thrive. Add that with the numerous environmental stressors such as toxins pumped into our air, water, food, beauty products, etc... has all contributed to a copper toxicity along with other toxins in my body.

It has only been a couple of months, however I have never felt this good and energized before.

The hair fall has lessened to the point it doesn't worry me anymore, I have more energy during the day and no longer experience hypoglycemia or fatigue. My body is less achy, I heal quicker, my nails grow faster and are stronger. My skin is drastically clearer and softer. I finally understand just how irritable and moody I used to be, I think and feel so much clearer and am generally a happier person and less stressed. My husband thinks it's great.

Friends have noticed a shift in my energy and I'm a lot more approachable.

It has made me very grateful for trusting my inner guidance and contacting Josephine. Long distance has not affected the effectiveness of this program in any way. The best thing is always having that support and guidance along the way.

I know I still have a lot more healing ahead of me but all the knowledge and wisdom shared I will treasure for the rest of my life. It is a natural lifestyle change, a complete reprogramming of all that has stopped me from healing and living a vibrant happy life."

Jessie H (from Australia)


"I pursued Nutritional Balancing for my hyperthyroidism which I was able to overcome in a few months. Yay!!! I continued with the program despite that because I still had adrenal fatigue and other problems.

Well, recently, I finally decided to totally cut out sugar from my diet, I'm such an addict, I just couldn't give it up. And lo and behold, now I'm pregnant! I had been trying to conceive 15 years earlier and when nothing happened, I just thought, I'll never conceive now, I'm getting old. So we never used birth control. Well, beware, nutritional balancing can reverse infertility, so if you're not planning to have any more kids, take the proper precautions. It was never in my plans to have a baby at 49 years old." 

- S.K., California


I was 5’ 7” and 275 pounds.  Over the past year I lost 112 pounds without even trying, except to do this program.  I did not have to exercise, which is good because I do not like exercise.

My first hair test showed a standard slow oxidizer pattern with sympathetic dominance pattern.  I had three poor eliminators – iron, lead and nickel.  On my second hair test I am still a slow oxidizer, and I still have three poor eliminator patterns, and a ways to go, and some more weight to lose, but I feel like a new person."

- GH, Illinois


"I am a 46 year old man. I work as a landscaper. I developed schizophrenia as a teen and have suffered depression and anxiety for most of my life, although I'm fortunate to be able to work part time to supplement my income. I smoked for a long time until I was 35 and after quitting developed Hashimotos syndrome a condition which affects my thyroid. It has severely limited my energy levels, and I have sought alternative treatments believing a wholistic path to better Heath was my best chance for recovery.

So far I have not been disappointed. I have worked favourably in different modalities and have recently discovered NB PROGRAM. I have only good things to say about this program. In the six months I have been following the protocol have seen many positive things come to light, which have helped in recovery.  My thoughts have more clarity and order, physically the limitations due to illness have lessened, and emotionally my relationships within my family have remarkably improved.

It does take a lot of patience, healing does not just happen by itself and I'm thankful for the support of both my NB practitioner, Josephine and Dr. Wilson in this regards. They not only provide me with useful information and care on a daily basis, but also bring a wealth of experience to aid me on my path. They are tremendous resources, giving me confidence and keeping my efforts directed towards where they need to be, helping me to get stronger and returning me to the joys of good health"

- Bruce M, Toronto


"I am a 46 year old man. I work as a landscaper. I developed schizophrenia as a teen and have suffered depression and anxiety for most of my life, although I'm fortunate to be able to work part time to supplement my income. I smoked for a long time until I was 35 and after quitting developed Hashimotos syndrome a condition which affects my thyroid. It has severely limited my energy levels, and I have sought alternative treatments believing a wholistic path to better Heath was my best chance for recovery.

So far I have not been disappointed. I have worked favourably in different modalities and have recently discovered NB PROGRAM. I have only good things to say about this program. In the six months I have been following the protocol have seen many positive things come to light, which have helped in recovery.  My thoughts have more clarity and order, physically the limitations due to illness have lessened, and emotionally my relationships within my family have remarkably improved.

It does take a lot of patience, healing does not just happen by itself and I'm thankful for the support of both my NB practitioner, Josephine and Dr. Wilson in this regards. They not only provide me with useful information and care on a daily basis, but also bring a wealth of experience to aid me on my path. They are tremendous resources, giving me confidence and keeping my efforts directed towards where they need to be, helping me to get stronger and returning me to the joys of good health"

- Bruce M, Toronto


"So as you know, last year I was over scheduled, exhausted home school working mother of two children. 

This year, I am so different. I have maintained some aspects of my work that have in the past overwhelmed and exhausted me, but this year I am much more able to handle the stress. I have learned to DELEGATE!!

I took my children out of all of their scheduled activities, except for one – taekwondo, which their father thought was important for them to maintain. He takes them to the classes, since he wants them to go. 

So then last week, my youngest daughter kept saying she wanted to go learn to skate… I started to feel guilty, oh gosh I should get her some lessons. We went to the rink and I took 3 of their friends and they were all playing on the ice and I went and got the schedule and payment info for skating lessons. I sat there looking it over and wondering where I would get the money to pay for this and trying to figure how to make it work in our schedule. Neither of the days that they offered skating lessons worked well AT ALL for our family. But I was convinced I could make it work. I sat there fretting. Five minutes later, my youngest daughter skated over and sat beside me.

“Thanks for taking me skating, mom”. “You’re welcome, Rach. Hey, I was wondering do you want to go to skating lessons, or do you just want me to take you skating more often?”. She replied, “I just want to go skating more, mom.” and she zoomed away across the ice. I thought to myself, well there you go. You just about over scheduled yourself again, but you didn’t. 

Later that week, I had planned to go to the 4H information session with my girls to see what it was all about. I had asked my stepdad if he wanted to go with us and he phoned to remind me. He used to do 4H with his daughters so I had thought that maybe it would be fun for him. GAH! So we were talking on the phone and I was trying to get my afternoon and supper arranged so I could be in the next town for 6:00PM. Starting to feel stressed….

And then I said, “you know, Gerry…. I just don’t think I want to do this. I am enjoying having an unscheduled year. We do school, we do taekwondo, we do our coop group and then we stay home and relax. We are just busy enough".  My step dad laughed and said, “Good job, kid!”

These two instances this week have left me so happy. I didn’t know, I didn’t realize that my family was stressed. I didn’t realize that I was exhausted. I didn’t realize that my children were exhausted. Since slowing down, our school time together is so much more enjoyable. My children are learning and growing so quickly and I am so much happier with the tasks that I have maintained. Running a house, teaching my kids, working 2 part time jobs. I seem to be keeping it all together much easier.  

Last year, my husband and I were going to marriage counseling and really angry with one another. We were on the way to a divorce. Today, we are in love and content with one another. It was like a switch just went off. One day in August, we had to cancel our counseling appointment and we just have never rescheduled. 

Today, I can hear the voice of the Lord. I can see how he has treasured me all the way. I have learned to release some really deep wounds and traumas. And I feel so much better!!

So – thank you Dr Wilson and Josephine. Thank you God for bringing us so far."

- Chantal S.  Parskville, BC


"I just got back from an appointment at the eye doctor and have to smile.  I’m in my mid-fifties and every time I’ve visited the optometrist since I started wearing eye-glasses in third grade, my vision has gotten progressively worse. 

At the exam, the optometrist expected to see some retinal stress or macular degeneration, but as she scanned internal photos of my eye for a second time, she couldn’t find ANY problems!

She said she expected to see protein deposits on my very old contact lenses, but there were none.  "You have very pure tears,” she quipped.

Most notably, we both expected that my prescription was going to have to be stronger but it wasn’ fact, for the first time in my life, the strength of my prescription had to be REDUCED!  

“You’re aging really well,” she commented at the end of the appointment, still a little in disbelief.  I smiled because it isn’t luck and there isn’t a secret to “aging well”…it is just what happens when you spend years adhering to a Nutritional Balancing program!  Thank-you!"
- MM, California


"Quinn, age 11, had type 1 diabetes for 6 years, with only worsening need for insulin shots.  After being on the program for about 1 year, his insulin requirement has been cut by more than one half, and he is growing much better, as well.  His mood and his energy level are also much better.  He also has much better color of his skin."


" I went to the doctor in December of 2015 for my blood report.  My doctor asked me what I was doing differently with my diet and lifestyle because my blood sugar indicated that I was doing very well for an 84 year old and better than many other patience younger than me.  My doctor cut down on my medication and advised me that he wants to take me off from it completely soon, should my next test continue to be stabled.

I have been on my diabetes medication for over 30 years and since I started doing the program, mainly the diet and some of the supplements, I feel better. I owe all my gratitude to Josephine and to Dr. Wilson."

- CG, Canada


" Nine years ago I had my teeth extracted in Mexico.  At the time, one tooth had a serious infection that had gotten into the jawbone.  The dentist said he could not get all the infection out of the bone because of a nerve.

Today I had the bone evaluated by a Huggins institute dentist.  He said there is no infection there now.  Thank you nutritional balancing, which I have done for the past 8 years!"  



"I am 26 years old.  I started a nutritional balancing program because I knew something was wrong with me.  My periods had stopped when I was 19.  I had bad insomnia, blood sugar problems, and anxiety/depression on and off for no reason.

I'm not sure how long I have had my imbalances, but I think one main thing that kind of flipped me off the edge was when I took a course of the acne drug Accutane in 2009 (7 years ago).  This was when my periods disappeared.  My health just got worse and worse during the years following Accutane. I also developed a lot of joint issues like knee arthritis and back problems.

Now, 18 months on the program, I have got my period back!  They are still irregular but it's a main sign of progress for me to finally have it back after all these years! 

My blood sugar issues were the first to completely go away on the program.  Before going on the program I had to eat every 3 hours or I would get weak, shaky, anxious.  No more of this.  I eat when I feel hungry now and my blood sugar is so stable I just can't believe it.

Also, insomnia has improved a LOT. As its worst I had up to 5 sleepless nights in a row.  Now it's never a whole night, maybe just an occasional early morning.

I still go through a lot of ups and downs due to copper dumps, hormonal fluctuations and my body trying to balance itself.  It can be a real roller coaster but I know I am on the right path and I will keep going!" 

- S.R., Finland

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Connection of mind body and soul, copper toxicity is describing copper deficiency, Copper Revolution, Copper an essential mineral, Copper deficiency, Symptoms of copper deficiency, Copper deficiency symptoms, Copper deficiency causes, Causes of copper deficiency, Treatment of copper deficiency, Treating copper deficiency, Treatment for copper deficiency, Copper deficiency treatment, Copper deficiency neuropathy, Copper deficiency myelopathy, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Certified holistic nutritionist, Certified functional diagnostic nutritionist, Healing with minerals, Healing minerals, Healing power of minerals, Healing power of vitamins minerals and herbs, Healing vitamins and minerals, Skin healing vitamins and minerals, Vitamins and minerals for skin healing, HTMA test, HTMA hair test, HTMA analysis, Hair tissue mineral analysis, Hair mineral analysis, Hair mineral analysis testing, Hair mineral analysis test, Hair analysis minerals, Mineral hair analysis, Mineral hair analysis test
HTMA test, HTMA hair test, HTMA analysis, Hair tissue mineral analysis, Hair mineral analysis, Hair mineral analysis testing, Hair mineral analysis test, Hair analysis minerals, Mineral hair analysis, Mineral hair analysis test, Hair test for mineral analysis, Hair analysis test for minerals, Trace elements HTMA, Hair mineral analysis interpretation, Hair tissue mineral test, Hair tissue mineral analysis HTMA, Hair analysis for mineral deficiency, HTMA hair tissue mineral analysis,
HTMA test, HTMA hair test, HTMA analysis, Hair tissue mineral analysis, Hair mineral analysis, Hair mineral analysis test, Pfizer vaccine dangerous, Pfizer COVID vaccine safety, Pfizer COVID vaccine dangerous, Detoxification methods for toxic metals, Toxic metal detox, Metal toxicity detox, Detox from heavy metal toxicity, Heavy metal toxicity detox, Toxic metal testing, Chemical toxicity testing, Toxic chemical testing, Soul and body connection, Hair test for mineral analysis, Hair analysis test for minerals, Trace elements HTMA, Hair mineral analysis interpretation, Hair tissue mineral test, Hair tissue mineral analysis HTMA, Hair analysis for mineral deficiency, HTMA hair tissue mineral analysis, Holistic nutritionists, Holistic nutritionist online, Holistic health nutritionist, Diet to heal your gut, Treating fear and stress, Healing power of vitamins minerals and herbs, Healing vitamins and minerals, Skin healing vitamins and minerals, Vitamins and minerals for skin healing,


"Dear Josephine,
I am so happy with my progress over the last 18 months. I've gotten pretty consistent with eating the 8-9 cups of cooked veggies a day.

​Improvements include: (1) The migraines from a long list of trigger foods are gone! No more painful, wipe-out-the-day headaches. (2) My cheeks have pink in them again! (3) I had been turning up the humidifier so high to prevent dry sinuses and headaches, there was constant condensation on the windows all winter. I needed the humidifier much less this winter--no foggy windows. (4) My bowels are more normalized.
I think you are awesome!"
~Janet Johnson, MA, USA


"I'm barely the woman I was when I started the program 4 years ago.  My fatigue is gone, brain fog is gone, anemia is gone, hypoglycemia is gone, controlling anxiety is gone, and fears are gone.  Life is so rewarding and wonderful now.   My plan is to stay on Nutritional Balancing the rest of my life."


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​through a system that will begin to set you free!

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Poison of COVID vaccines, Pfizer vaccine dangerous, Pfizer COVID vaccine safety, Pfizer COVID vaccine dangerous, Detoxification methods for toxic metals, Toxic metal detox, Metal toxicity detox, Detox from heavy metal toxicity, Heavy metal toxicity detox, Toxic metal testing, Chemical toxicity testing, Toxic chemical testing, Soul and body connection, Body mind soul connection, Mind body soul connection, Mind body and soul connection, Body and soul connection, Soul body connection, Connection of body and soul, Connect mind body and soul, Copper deficiency and wrinkled skin, Gray hair copper deficiency, Copper deficiency gray hair, copper toxicity, symptoms of zinc deficiency, Balanced nutrition, Nutritional balancing, Nutritional balancing and hair mineral analysis, Balanced body nutrition, Balance nutrition diet, Balanced nutrition plan, Holistic nutritionists, Holistic nutritionist online, Holistic health nutritionist, Diet to heal your gut, Treating fear and stress,
Connection of mind body and soul, copper toxicity is describing copper deficiency, Copper Revolution, Copper an essential mineral, Copper deficiency, Symptoms of copper deficiency, Copper deficiency symptoms, Copper deficiency causes, Causes of copper deficiency, Treatment of copper deficiency, Treating copper deficiency, Treatment for copper deficiency, Copper deficiency treatment, Copper deficiency neuropathy, Copper deficiency myelopathy, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Certified holistic nutritionist, Certified functional diagnostic nutritionist, Healing with minerals, Healing minerals, Healing power of minerals, Healing power of vitamins minerals and herbs, Healing vitamins and minerals, Skin healing vitamins and minerals, Vitamins and minerals for skin healing, HTMA test, HTMA hair test, HTMA analysis, Hair tissue mineral analysis, Hair mineral analysis, Hair mineral analysis testing, Hair mineral analysis test, Hair analysis minerals, Mineral hair analysis, Mineral hair analysis test
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​In the beginning there was the Logos  and the Logos was with God, and the Logos  is God. (John  1:1)

The soul needs to follow something in order to give birth to virtue:

this something is God: if we follow Him we shall live aright. -St. Augustine

​A Way of Life for Life -Copyright © 2014-2024 Josephine  Certified Holistic Nutrition, CHN, FDN

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