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About Josephine Zanetti CHN, FDN
As a child, I never thought that my health issues could be related to my diet.
I was part of an Italian family that followed a Mediterranean Diet, which was considered one of the healthiest diets in Montreal during the '60s.
Unlike my schoolmates who ate packaged foods, my mother cooked fresh meals from scratch. However, despite the healthier diet, I had severe digestive issues since I was two years old when I was hospitalized for food poisoning.
Throughout my childhood, I struggled with constipation, and doctors only suggested drinking more prune juice.
In my mid-twenties, I tried different diets, including Fasting, Cleansing, and Raw Diets, but nothing worked.
It wasn't until I met a woman who practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine in my late 30s that I found relief. She gave me an herb that significantly improved my bowel movements, and I felt completely healed for eight years.
Unfortunately, I went back to my old diet, thinking the problem was solved, but it wasn't. After eight years, my body was out of balance again.
After conducting extensive research, I made the decision to earn my certification as a holistic nutritionist and as a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist. During this time, I underwent a hair mineral analysis conducted by Trace Elements Inc (TEI) which revealed certain health concerns such as mineral deficiencies, adrenal burnout and possible toxic metals.
I was aware that my symptoms would eventually subside with a nutritional balancing program.
I needed to be patient.
And I was!
I understand that each person's experience is unique, but I believe that many can relate to the challenge of dealing with chronic symptoms often dismissed by medical professionals and loved ones.
Fortunately, with the use of today's advanced technology, I am able to work with clients globally through Skype, email or phone.
I am dedicated to providing personal development consulting services that will help you make progress in your personal life by utilizing a variety of tools such as diet, purification and spiritual methods, which are essential to achieving long-term health and well-being.
If you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact me via email. I will respond as promptly as possible to assist you in any way I can.
My Background

✔ Certificate in Nutrition from CSNN (CHN)
​✔ Studies Hair Mineral Analysis and Nutritional Balancing under Dr. Paul Eck
✔ Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN)
✔ Holds a degree in Culinary Arts from the Dubrelle French Culinary School
​✔ Studied nutrition with the late Dr. Bernard Jensen, Ann Wigmore and is learned in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
✔ Author of a nutritional cookbook, Nine Servings of Vegetables. You can find the book HERE
My mission with my clients is to provide guidance and lead them to the truth!
People with
​Digestive issues, Burnout,
Chronic fatigue, Joint pain,
Diabetes, Depression,
Osteoporosis, Brain fog,
Chronic headaches,ADHD,
Premenstrual syndrome,
Mood swings, Anxieties,
Anger, Food allergies,
Menopause, ​
​Yeast infections,
Weight issues,
Poor memory,
and more...
I do it through
education, behavior modification, some hand holding, all aided with nutrition, powerful protocols and spiritual guidance.
​You will obtain tools by following certain guidelines, supplementation, including stress management, spiritual and purification methods - all essential steps in permanently improving your health and well-being!
​I will be your mentor by coaching you and supporting you.
You will get
The program will help restore your body’s vitality by encouraging every part of your body to perform at optimal capacity. You will likely notice the most improvement in your digestion.
Many of your symptoms are likely the result of internal stresses such as nutritional deficiencies, bacterial or viral infections, or hardened arteries. By decreasing your internal stresses, we also improve your emotional state of mind, reducing stress of an external sort.
Do you not realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you and whom you received from God?
1 Corinthians 6:19

Nine Servings of Vegetables
Nine Servings of Vegetables is
A Unique and Powerful Cookbook that Explains & Teaches
How to Prevent & Handling Disease
Simply Through CHANGING DIET!
The Cookbook to Reduce Toxic Metals,
Balance Your Minerals and Balance Your Biochemistry
AT LAST: A Holistic Spiritual Dietary Nutritional Approach to...
✔Heal Emotional & Physical Trauma
Without Ever Compromising Your Christian Values!
​✔Build Your Immune System
✔Release Blocks to Prevent and Handling Disease ​
✔Metal Detoxification
✔Mind & Body Purification
​✔ Rewiring the Brain
✔Healthy Living
✔Nutritional Balancing
Josephine's message
Contact Josephine
Copyright © 2014-2024 Josephine, Certified Holistic Nutrition, CHN, FDN
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