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Hair Mineral Analysis is a Holistic Test
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a diagnostic test that aims to identify the mineral levels in your body and provide insights into your overall health. By analyzing a small sample of your hair, this test can reveal information about any nutritional deficiencies or imbalances that may be impacting your health.
Additionally, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can offer clarity and guidance for people who are suffering from chronic illnesses, as it provides a more complete picture of their overall health status.
If you are experiencing symptoms such as:
gut issues
any kind of addiction
symptoms of Dementia
emotional or physical problems
hormonal imbalances
weight issues
blood sugar problems

Hair Mineral Analysis / The Nutritional Balancing Way!
Or you are exercising simply to keep your weight down and spent thousands of dollars on different remedies to stay fit and healthy, then a hair tissue mineral analysis can be beneficial and save you from spending thousands of dollars on different remedies.
This test is a simple way to determine if your symptoms are related to a mineral imbalance in your body.
With this blueprint, we can create a plan for re-balancing your body’s chemistry, restoring it to optimal function.
It tests for 21 nutritive and toxic minerals to see if there is any deficiency or excess, and uses that information to create a sophisticated blueprint of your biochemistry.
Based on research and years of experience of the late Dr. Paul Eck were able to discover that tissue mineral analysis reveals health trends and can help prevent future medical problems.
The Environmental Protection Agency also uses human hair to monitor high-priority toxic metals in the body, and many other studies have found that human hair may be a more appropriate tissue than blood or urine for studying exposure to some trace elements.
Human hair testing to corroborate or expand on diagnoses is ordered on 150,000 people every year.
For example, if your hair shows an elevated calcium level three times the norm, then your calcium level within your body is likely also elevated.
Calcium plaques in the body harden the arteries and lead to arteriosclerosis, which would explain your lifelong high blood pressure with no apparent cause.
Since hair mineral analysis is more accurate than blood analysis, it can often find problems that aren’t evident through most commonly performed medical tests.
A Hair Mineral Analysis shows the specific nutrients you need to optimize your unique biochemical profile, helping your body manage persistent toxic exposures you experience daily.
We’ll also determine your oxidation type and give you a better understanding of how well your adrenal and thyroid glands are functioning in response to stress, diet, food supplements, and medications.
We’ll use all this information to create a program that will allow you to balance your biochemical profile and give you the tools you need to overcome and/or prevent diseases by itself.
Previously, you may have been able to maintain “artificial health” through medications or procedures.
In contrast, this is “natural health,” where your body starts functioning at its normal levels of capability, keeping you protected from disease and ensuring your organs are all working properly.
How Can I Get Started?
You can contact me by email or visit my Contact page and fill out the form and I will get back to you as quickly as possible, within 24 hours, to confidentially discuss your nutritional needs and learn more about the completely bespoke services available to you.
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How About the Cost of the Program?
Costs vary depending on your individual requirements.
Click Here to Read About What is a Hair Mineral Test vs. Blood Test
Click Here to Read About the Validity of Hair Mineral Analysis
Click Here to Read About What Your Hair Can Reveal
Copyright © 2014-2024 Josephine Certified Holistic Nutrition, CHN, FDN
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What Can a hair test Reveal?

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