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Hair Analysis vs. Blood Analysis
Most people are not familiar with hair analysis. How does it differ from blood analysis and what are its uses?
What is Hair ?
Hair is a type of soft tissue that is found on the body. When hair grows, minerals get deposited within it, which remain locked in the hair structure. These minerals act as a mineral biopsy or cellular mineral sampling, making it easier to measure their levels accurately. It is important to note that hair is technically dead, but the minerals deposited in it when it was formed can be used to measure levels that are roughly 10 times higher than those found in blood.
A Cellular Reading
The cells are where metabolism occurs. Although blood is useful for various tests, it cannot directly measure cellular activity. Blood serves as the "highway" of the body, while the cells act as the body's chemical factories. Ultimately, all vitamins, minerals, sugars, fats, and hormones must reach the cells to be effective, rather than remaining in the blood. Therefore, it is more logical to measure cellular activity directly to ensure that these substances are reaching their intended destination.
Blood Maintained at the Expense of the Tissue
Maintaining consistent levels of blood minerals is crucial as significant fluctuations in blood sugar, mineral or hormone levels can adversely affect various organs and glands that come into contact with the blood. In case the blood lacks a particular mineral, such as calcium, it will be sourced from tissues and bones to replenish the blood.
It's possible for an individual to have osteoporosis or demineralized bones even when their blood calcium levels are normal. Similarly, serum magnesium levels can be normal while a person may have a cellular magnesium deficiency. The same applies to all the minerals. Therefore, the blood serum is not an ideal place to measure minerals.
Hair serves as an excretory tissue in the body, meaning anything deposited in the hair will be lost as it grows and is cut off. Consequently, excess minerals may be deposited in the hair to be excreted. However, minerals that are deficient are often not deposited in the hair, so they are retained.
Hair and other tissues serve as storage reservoirs for minerals. If the reserves are low, it will manifest in the hair before it appears in a blood test. This makes hair an excellent medium to measure minerals.
Toxic Metals
Toxic metals are eliminated from the bloodstream as quickly as possible, but they tend to accumulate in body tissues where they can cause less harm. This is why detecting toxic metals in the blood can be challenging, despite the availability of blood tests. However, it is easier to identify toxic metals in tissues such as hair.
Long-Term Versus Short Term 
Blood tests provide a real-time measurement of body chemistry which is crucial during acute emergencies where even the smallest changes must be monitored. However, it's important to consider that blood test results can vary based on factors such as the time of day, meals eaten, activity level, and even one's mood or emotions at the time of testing.
On the other hand, hair testing provides an average reading of about three months of hair growth and is not impacted much by daily or weekly changes. While hair testing may not be as useful in monitoring real-time changes, it's highly effective in detecting long-term patterns.
Use of Hair Testing for Other Parameters
Thanks to Dr. Paul Eck's research, hair testing can be used to identify a person's oxidation rate, stage of stress, tendencies towards sugar intolerance, glandular imbalances, immune system activity, and over 30 other conditions.
Hair testing can monitor subtle metabolic changes and uncover layers of adaptations needed for healing. This test is very helpful in identifying these adaptations and monitoring progress.
In addition to physical conditions, hair testing can also identify emotional tendencies and personality patterns. This unique benefit of hair testing can be very helpful for both the client and the clinician.
Why are Thyroid Test Results Often Different in Hair & Blood?
The two tests, blood thyroid tests and hair analysis, measure different things. Blood thyroid tests measure the hormones present in the blood, and if these levels are normal, it is generally assumed that the thyroid function is also normal. However, it is also possible that blood thyroid profiles may not always provide accurate results, as the hormones must pass into the cells and be converted and utilized there. For the hormones to act, hormone receptors must be present.
On the other hand, the hair analysis assesses the effectiveness of hormones at the cellular level. Often, the results of this test may differ from blood thyroid tests. Both tests have their own value, but the hair analysis test may give a clearer picture of the actual glandular activity.
Why are Blood Sugar Tests Normal, yet a Hair Test May Indicate Sugar Intolerance?
The hair test is a tool that can help identify trends or tendencies towards certain health conditions, like low blood sugar or diabetes. However, it is important to note that it is not a diagnostic test and can only provide an indication. For instance, it may not reveal a subclinical condition that does not show up on a blood test. Nevertheless, identifying such trends early on can help prevent the development of a disease.
It is also important to understand that hair and blood tests measure different things. While a blood test can determine glucose levels in the bloodstream at a given moment, a hair test can assess the tendency for glucose imbalances at the cellular level.
Many people experience symptoms of hypoglycemia despite having normal blood test results. This is because they may suffer from sugar starvation at the cellular level, which cannot be detected through a blood test. However, such tendencies can often be identified through a hair test.
To sum up, hair analysis and blood analysis are distinct methods that assess different parts of the body. While hair testing might not be as well-known, it can provide insights into the cells and aid in balancing the body's chemistry.
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